Sonntag 12 Juni 2022 - 15:38:14
Saturday June 25, 2022
Samstag, 25. Juni 2022
All events are organized by the ProSwastika Alliance which is active all over the world in order to inform about the origin and the thousand-year-old meaning of the swastika.
The events are taking place on Saturday, June 25 at local times unless otherwise indicated.
Alle Veranstaltungen werden von der ProSwastika Allianz organisiert, die weltweit aktiv ist, um über den Ursprung die die jahrtausendealte Bedeutung der Swastika aufzuklären.
Die Veranstaltungen finden am Samstag, 25. Juni Ortszeit statt, außer es ist etwas anderes angegeben.
Online-Presentation: „The extraterrestrial origin of the oldest symbol on Earth“
Location: Online – Zoom - Link:
This continental presentation in English will be translated into French and Spanish. It will start at 4pm (New York time) and will last about 30 minutes.
see also:
Location: Toronto
Time: 2pm – 3pm (Toronto-time)
Location: Vancouver
Time: 3pm – 4pm (Vancouver-time)
Event: Raelians will distribute the new press release ("The Swastika is not a hate symbol and the raelians oppose Canadian bill C-229") and informations to passers-by
Ort: Karlsruhe - Füßgängerzone
Event: Raelisten informieren über die wahre Bedeutung der Swastika
Zeit: Samstag 25.06.2022 nachmittags
Online-Vortrag:: "Online-Vortrag 2022 über die religiöse Swastika"
Zedit: Sonntag 26.06.2022 - 17.30 -18.30 (Pariser Zeit)
Informations coming soon for...
Center- and South-America...
Australia and Oceania...
Samstag, 25. Juni 2022
All events are organized by the ProSwastika Alliance which is active all over the world in order to inform about the origin and the thousand-year-old meaning of the swastika.
The events are taking place on Saturday, June 25 at local times unless otherwise indicated.
Alle Veranstaltungen werden von der ProSwastika Allianz organisiert, die weltweit aktiv ist, um über den Ursprung die die jahrtausendealte Bedeutung der Swastika aufzuklären.
Die Veranstaltungen finden am Samstag, 25. Juni Ortszeit statt, außer es ist etwas anderes angegeben.
Online-Presentation: „The extraterrestrial origin of the oldest symbol on Earth“
Location: Online – Zoom - Link:
This continental presentation in English will be translated into French and Spanish. It will start at 4pm (New York time) and will last about 30 minutes.
see also:
Location: Toronto
Time: 2pm – 3pm (Toronto-time)
Location: Vancouver
Time: 3pm – 4pm (Vancouver-time)
Event: Raelians will distribute the new press release ("The Swastika is not a hate symbol and the raelians oppose Canadian bill C-229") and informations to passers-by
Ort: Karlsruhe - Füßgängerzone
Event: Raelisten informieren über die wahre Bedeutung der Swastika
Zeit: Samstag 25.06.2022 nachmittags
Online-Vortrag:: "Online-Vortrag 2022 über die religiöse Swastika"
Zedit: Sonntag 26.06.2022 - 17.30 -18.30 (Pariser Zeit)
Informations coming soon for...
Center- and South-America...
Australia and Oceania...
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